Good morning , Good Night Quotes English and Hindi
Good Morning(English)
Happiness is not achieved by asking, the floor does not get kept, trust is always on yourself and God, because everything is achieved when the right time comes
Good Morning (Hindi)
खुशियां हासिल नहीं होती मांगने से, मंजिल मिलती नहीं ठहरे रहने से, भरोसा हमेशा रखना खुद पर और रब पर, क्योंकि सबकुछ हासिल होता है सही वक्त आने पर 👍🌹🌹 Hemant Kikod🌹👈
Good Morning |
Good Morning |
Good Night (English)
Why do friends support you in difficulties, why do friends share sorrow, neither relationship is tied to blood nor custom, yet friends give their life all the time ..
Good Night (Hindi)
क्यूँ मुश्किलों में साथ देते हैं दोस्त, क्यूँ गम को बाँट लेते हैं दोस्त, न रिश्ता खून का न रिवाज से बंधा है, फिर भी ज़िन्दगी भर साथ देते हैं दोस्त..👍🌹
Good Night |
Good Night |
Wishing Message (English)
Let me light the lamp, we are afraid of the darkness now, without you, my friend seems like a difficult journey, which was there with you, there was no shortage of us, after you leave, it seems like your own city
Let me light the lamp, we are afraid of the darkness now, without you, my friend seems like a difficult journey, which was there with you, there was no shortage of us, after you leave, it seems like your own city
Wishing Message (Hindi)
जलाने दो चराग हमे अंधेरे से अब डर लगता है, बिन तेरे ऐ दोस्त मुश्किल सा ये सफर लगता हैं, जो तू था साथ तो कुछ कमी भी नहीं थी हमें, तेरे जाने के बाद बेगाना सा अपना ये शहर लगता है..
🌹🌹 Hemant Kikod 🌹🌹
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